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In the School Canteen
24-11-2016 07:32
In the School Canteen


On this week, our school opened its doors for all teachers from Pavlodar. There was a Methodical Day for evaluated teachers. Some teachers from our school prepared Master Classes and some invited on there lessons. The aim was also to exchange with experience with colleagues and its really worked. I am a teacher of English language in primary and secondary school. I prepared 6th grade which study English in depth. The theme of the lesson was «In Scholl Canteen». The aim was to memorize and use new words on the given theme, to develop cooperation and interaction skills, speaking and communication skills. Lesson Plan Grade: 6 "A" Subject: English Section: «School» Theme and № in LTP: Lesson 5. In School canteen - "Мектеп асханасында". Aims of the lesson: To memorize and use new words on the given theme, to develop cooperation and interaction skills, speaking and communication skills. Grammar: countable/ uncountable nouns, use of some/any. Expected result: Remember and use new lexical material on the given theme, able to work in group, developing cooperation and interaction skills, speaking and communication skills, following the rules.
Time Lesson stage Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity Recourses Modules
5 min 10 min 25 min 5 min 1.Org. moment 2.Chal-lenge 3. Com-prehention 4. Reflection 1. Game «Pupils/ Taechers / Break». Association in groups « Lunchbox». Teacher gives instructions. Musical accompaniment. 2. Revision and addings in «Rules of Working in Group» 3. Divide roles in group Result: Revise the «Rules of Working in Group», the roles in group are chosen. 1. Ask pupils to gess the theme and the objectives of the lesson after demonstration of problem video «Lunch in British School» Ask: What do you see from the video? How do you think, what we are going to talk about? What do you understand from the video? Tasks: №1 SB, p. 102, Ex. 1a. To meet with new words. Match the words with the pictures. You’ve got 3 min. Read one by one in one group. Read the rule 15 a-b, on p. 78 Workbook. - How we can divide this words? (In groups) - Check ourselves, note your marks. Read the gramma on page 78, № 18 abc, 19 abc. Presentation of the grammar Peer assesment «Commendable sandwish» № 2 Diologues on interactive board - Peer assesment №3 Individual work - differenciated tasks on the presentation. Self-assesment with keys on the board. H/t Learn new words, WB, p. 56 Ex. 1,2,3 Explain the activity "Lunchbox of ideas", to determine emotional condition and content. Play the game. Associate and sit in groups. Revise the rules of group working and follow them. Choose roles. Look on the board and watch the video, think over themselves, discuss in pairs, in groups (Diagram of Jessie Gentile). Choose the only interesting one idea from the group. Define objectives and the theme of the lesson. Do the tasks. Chose two volunteers from the group to present. Make the grammar presentation Assess each other in oral form Complete and act the dialogue Do the exercise and follow the rules Fill the stickers and put them. Cards to play the game «Lunchbox» Poster «Rules of working in groups» Video Students ‘Book Workbook Messages 2 Presentation in PP ABC cards A Poster "Lunchbox of ideas" NA, ICT KT, ICT КT ICT AfA КМ T&G AF AfA КT

Teacher of English, Shakubayeva M.K.