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The film "Orientation to the Future" was shown
24-11-2017 09:16
The film

The framework of the " Spiritual revival" program of the Leader of the Nation on 24.11.2017 the film "Future Orientation" was shown by school collective and pupils of grades 5-11 in the conference hall of the school.
The film "Future Orientation" broadcasts the achievements of the CIS countries, separated from the Soviet Union by the XIX century.
There were no doubts that the Kazakh people would again sovereignty and become a country of self-sufficiency when we achieved independence. The work of our brothers and sisters who worked for the head of state and the government brought these bright days. The Kazakh statehood has become a state of the art, and the state of affairs has become a reality for the people of the country, and the newest pages of the history of the evil history. The exhibition EXPO-2017 which has a history of 166 years was held in Kazakhstan has won the right to host with a and has been honored by this international event, and most importantly, on the third modernization was said that the future of our country depends on our generation.