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The city Olympiad of schoolchildren took place
11-12-2017 05:53
The city Olympiad of schoolchildren took place

The city stage of the traditional Republican Olympiad of pupils was on 7 th and 8th December. 25 students from our school took part in it. As a result, 19 students won prizes. Among them 9 students are 1st place, Aydarhanov Aydar, Mashrab Sherniyaz, Kuttybaeva Adel, Muratova Aruzhan, Amangeldinova Dilnaz, Sadardinova Rakhima, Junuskhanova Samal, Yergybay Madina, Galliamova Dariya and 6 pupils 2 place and 4 pupils 3rd place. The average quality score is 76%. Our school team took the 2nd place in the team standings. With the qualitative indicator of qualifying for this Olympic prize, our school was awarded the 2nd degree diploma as "Best Olympic Team showing the Best Outcome". Congratulations!