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Ғollowed by a second stage of the city festival of children's art "Balausa - 2018" - "Original genre"
16-02-2018 16:41
Ғollowed by a second stage of the city festival of children's art

    Centre employment and development of a child's giftedness "Pavlodar daryny" of the Department of education of Pavlodar city, akimat of Pavlodar city February 15, 2018 on the basis of SOSPA No. 7 followed by a second stage of the city festival of children's art "Balausa - 2018" - "Original genre", which actively participated the students of our school.
    The purpose of the festival is to stimulate and support the creative activity of children and adolescents, the development of talent, familiarization with various types of creativity.
    The second round of the festival was attended by more than 73 students of secondary schools of the city. The participants presented their skills in 5 genres: gymnastics, acrobatics, pantomime, parody and tricks. The audience, accustomed to see on stage singers and dancers, with great interest watched the original accommodation. The participants demonstrated their flexibility, beauty and artistry in the bright performance of the numbers. The use of well-chosen music, beautiful costumes and makeup enhance the effectiveness of the artist. Enchanting show and unforgettable spectacular performance of schools in the combination of theatrical and choreographic art showed the charisma and subtlety of their rooms.