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Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
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Was held class hour on the theme "Friendship"
16-02-2018 17:22
Was held class hour on the theme

February 15, 2018 in the 6 g class was held class hour on the theme "Friendship".
The purpose of the class hour:
1. Give the notion of a real unselfish friendship.
2. To familiarize with the rules of friendship, to show the importance of true friends in human life, to show that a person can not live alone, he needs true friends.
3. To teach benevolence, desire to understand each other, to teach to share joys and sorrows.
4. Educate respect for others, polite treatment of children to each other.
1.Children comprehend the essence of the concept of "friendliness".
2.The development of the ability to formulate judgments.
3.Formation of your own position on the importance of friendship in people's lives.