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Winners of the Republican Olympiad
03-04-2018 16:57
Winners of the Republican Olympiad

     3rd of April in school number 37 of the city of Pavlodar, solemn music sounded, the atmosphere of the holiday reigned. Children organized a live corridor with flowers and balls. The students and the pedagogical collective honored the winners of the Republican Olympiad of the history of Kazakhstan Aidarhanova Aidara and Kuttybaevu Adel who won the III prize-winning place. The teacher of history Kasymzhanova Aliya Eginbaevna prepared the prizewinners of the Republican Olympiad. Headmistress of the school Zhusupova Lyaylya Bazhevna and Head of Training Unit Bektemirova Gaukhar Bolatovna congratulated the winners. For our school this is a great joy!