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Creative lesson in the technique of weaving mats
13-10-2018 17:46
Creative lesson in the technique of weaving mats

Purpose: students conduct research work on the study of compositions of felt products, form skills for the practical implementation of knowledge gained from lessons during creative work. Knows about the technique of manufacturing felt products and weaving mats

In the modern world, students develop the skills of using elements of the Kazakh national culture in the process of creative work when weaving mats, which, in turn, fosters respect for the traditions of the Kazakh people.

Weave mats can be several kinds. For example, on top of the pattern ready Shea, vazovskogo one by one, wrap up counting links, which are rolled different colors. In order not to mix the wound so sewn, it is necessary to align with the pattern, and independently divided into threads.

Teacher: Kengebaeva Saltanat Nikolaevna. Subject: Art work. Class: 8