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Regional readings of M. Makatayev
12-10-2018 17:46
Regional readings of M. Makatayev

11.10.2018 year on the basis of the school Lyceum №8 for gifted children were XIII Makataev reading. The purpose of the competition: promotion of creativity Makataev, development and support of gifted children. The competition consisted of six stages. The participant had not only to read the poem expressively, but also to know by heart 2 poems, as well as the skills of poetic skill. It is expressive to read his poem dedicated to the great poet. School № 37 presented a student of 10" B " class Kasymkhan Alua, who took at the city level Diploma of I degree. At the regional competition Kasymkhan Alua was awarded a diploma. Prepared by the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature G. Dyusenbina. Congratulations to the participants on their successful performance at the regional competition!