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The holder of the 1 st degree diploma of the 1 st Republican Olympiad "The best teacher" held for the professional development of teachers
13-11-2018 10:46
The holder of the 1 st degree diploma of the 1 st Republican Olympiad

(қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәні мұғалімі)

The holder of the 1 st degree diploma of the 1 st Republican Olympiad "The best teacher" held for the professional development of teachers

The teacher is interesting on the one hand in comparison with other activities, but is very complex. The interesting side is the whole way of personality development. And the complexity of the-as is shaped this personality? Throughout life, this question is in front of you. The teacher educates and teaches to properly shape the personality. And for his training he learns and throughout life. Each teacher is one of the mandatory functions. Every time a person experiences it, it gets tough. One of the next tests for me was the I Republican Olympiad "the Best teacher", which was held to improve the professional skills of teaching staff. The result is good. But that doesn't mean everyone knows...