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Regional competition of research projects
23-11-2018 20:15
Regional competition of research projects

November 23 was the regional stage of the competition of scientific projects for students in grades 8-11. It was attended by eight students of our school, five won prizes. In the Kazakh language to the winners was the student of grade 11 Junusheva Samal Director: K. M. Abdullayev. And 3rd place went to galjamova the Danelia, Advisor: S. B. Abrahamov. English 2 - place went to D. Dalabayev , the head of the D. B. Sadykov. 3 place history has occupied a 10th grade student, Delnor Muratbai, supervisor: A. E. kasymzhanova. Chemistry grade 10 student of G. elemesova took 2nd place, leader: S. J. Autalipov.

Congratulations on your victory!