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December 1 in 1-11 classes were class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President.
29-11-2019 13:18
December 1 in 1-11 classes were class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President.

      Nobember 29, 2019 in 1-11 classes were class hours dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was attended by 1002 students. Students of 6 " a "class in the office of the President took part in the action" Elin suygen, Eli suygen Elbasy!"."round table." And the teacher of history of our school in this action directed.E. Kasymzhanova. During the round table, students told about the political activities of the Head of state since childhood. At the end of the lesson, the merits of the Head of state to the country were noted, the students expressed their opinions.