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Students of school # 37 took an active part in the intellectual competition "M. Zhusip: the philosophical meaning of life, search".
05-02-2020 13:51
 Students of school # 37 took an active part in the intellectual competition
                     On 5.02.2020, traditional readings of M. Zhusupov were held at school №17 in Pavlodar. Purpose: popularization of M. Zhusup's creativity, education of students ' creative, aesthetic tastes, and sense of personal culture. The competition was held in 4 directions.
                      Students of school №37 took an active part in the intellectual competition "M. Zhusip: the philosophical meaning of life, search". As a result of the 1st direction "Aldymaga olen zhaz DEP kagaz kelgen", a student of the 10th class Balgabaeva Bakhytgul was awarded an " honorary diploma "(teacher Dyusenbina G. A), " Bilimdi, zerek Adam!"in the direction of "great names of the great steppe", the 8th grade student Tatymbek ayanat took 1st place (teacher Akparova T. T.), in the direction of "great names of the great steppe" -Surumbetova Kamila took 2nd place (teacher Umrakhimov S. B.). Surumbetova Kamila and Satymbek Anat participate in regional readings. Good luck to our winners!