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Неделя английского языка. Учитель Лариса Николаевна
21-09-2021 18:05
Неделя английского языка. Учитель Лариса Николаевна
On September 21, in the frame of the week of the English language,11 "A" grade students organized a literature lesson,devoted to the great American story- writer, O.Henry. D.Solodovnikova told the classmates about Henry's colorful life  biography. K.Podbereznaya presented us some amazing  facts from his biography and S.Pirozkov told us interesting information about the only novel,called "Kings  and Cabbage". R.Gilmiyanova allowed us to listen to the recording of the short story "The last Leaf ." Everybody was impressed by the plot  of this masterpiece. The message of this story is never give up ! Another wonderful work of O.Henry was presented by B.Zolotov.By the way, this story has many titles, but our favorite is "The gifts of  the Magi."Our interesting lesson was completed by V.Tsoi and D.Ahmet with their exiting game "Kahoot."The game was based on the whole information, which we gained from the lesson.Without doubt , this literature lesson provided another opportunity to highlight the value of O. Henry. Thank  to our teacher of English-Larissa Nikolaevna  Novikova for this amazing event.