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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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28-09-2018 17:22

      In the school- lyceum № 20 of Pavlodar within the framework of the Week of Languages there were conducted 5-minute information in three languages in each class. Purpose: In any country, language, nationality, sacred, rational. This is the way the students are trained.
          Students were given information in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
The Kazakh language is the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Kazakh language is one of the richest, colorful languages in the world. Kazakh is the mother tongue of the Kazakh people. At the same time, every citizen must know three languages as a multi-national state.
      We often meet people who speak fluent English. Not to mention the other people, it was time to make the Kazakhs of pure Kazakh people pure. Today, some people do not know the Kazakh language, and even though they do not speak, it is a serious illness of improving the Kazakh language and not bringing it to high levels.
The Kazakh language is the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Kazakh language is one of the richest, colorful languages in the world. Kazakh is the mother tongue of the Kazakh people. At the same time, every citizen must know three languages as a multi-national state.
We often meet people who speak fluent English. Not to mention the other people, it was time to make the Kazakhs of pure Kazakh people pure. Today, some people do not know the Kazakh language, and even though they do not speak, it is a serious illness of improving the Kazakh language and not bringing it to high levels.

     When seeing native speakers, K. It is thought that Paulasovsky's words "Man who does not care for a native language is insect". Everyone who thinks about his country's future should not neglect the language of his native language.
Upon receiving this information, the students received a lot of questions and learned information. Students completed their informational minutes in three languages with proverbs.