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Autumn reading of Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov
27-10-2018 17:38
Autumn reading of Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov

        November 29 is the birthday of the only son of the Kazakh poet Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov. Every year in the Pavlodar region is held "Reading sultanmakhmut." In the center of the region, in the Palace of Culture. Istia, gathered talented people who grew up with the works of Sultanmahmut. The opportunity to participate in the three-stage competition was provided by younger students up to 35 years. According to the organizers, one of the favorite characters of the participants is Kamar Beautiful. The fate of this beautiful woman, born to Sultanmakhmut, was found in the hearts of young talents. According to the results of the competition, a student of the 9th grade of the Lyceum School No. 20 of Pavlodar Erkhan Temirov was awarded a letter of thanks for adult participants.