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Laboratory of pedagogical technologies in action
27-11-2018 20:04
Laboratory of pedagogical technologies in action

        November 26, 2018 in the state institution "Lyceum School number 20 in the city of Pavlodar" passed the pedagogical council in the form of the study "Functional literacy of the teacher-student success factor". The pedagogical culture of the teacher in the school-lyceum № 20 has high requirements, one of which is functional literacy. History teacher MarzatayevЕ.T., computer science Aubakirova G.M., chemistry Nesipbaeva Z.K., physics Mulikbaeva T.S., kazakh language Shazhankanova B.M., Shomanova M.S., took an active part in the preparation and conduct of the russian language Frik L.I., еnglish language Smakova M.R., Mathematics N.O. Bolatova E.A., Zvyagintsevа Е.А. other.  All methods used by these teachers are aimed at the development of cognitive, mental activity, which in turn is aimed at improving and enriching the knowledge of each student, developing his functional literacy. In their speeches and video materials, the teachers demonstrated how the lyceum students form the ability for independent thinking, comparison, reasoning and analysis to achieve success in school and resolve any life situation. The expert group consists of the director Topanova G.Т., the deputy director for educational work Akparova G.Е., after listening to thelecturers' speeches, formed the recommendations of the pedagogical council, voiced in the presentations of the speakers. One of the points of the decision of the teachers' council is the presentation of the pedagogical experience of the teacher of history MarzatayevЕ.T. at the city level in the 2019-2020 academic year.