On the eve of school - lyceum №20 there was a discussion of the head of state's article “Seven faces of the Great Steppe”. Pupils of 10-11 grades and teachers took part in the discussion. "Space is the measure of all things, time is the measure of all events. When the horizons of space and time merge, national history begins”-the article of the Head of State begins with such a beautiful, and most importantly semantic aphorism. In his article N.A. Nazarbayev returns to the origins of our people, linking the past, present and future of our people. According to the article, these projects will be a continuation of the program “Rouhani zhangyru”. New components of the nationwide program “Rouhani zhantyr" will allow to update the centuries-old heritage of our ancestors, making it understandable and in demand in the conditions of digital civilization. Discussion of the article was held in the form of a dialogue of teachers and students.
"Seven Facets of the Great Steppe": views of teachers and students