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Festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan
20-12-2018 10:58
Festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan

        On the eve of the state institution "School - Lyceum №20 of the city of Pavlodar" a festive concert dedicated to the 27th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held. The concert began with the introduction of the State Flag and the solemn performance of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The director of the school - lyceum №20 Topanova Gulnar Tuyakovna made a congratulatory speech. In her speech, she noted how important this holiday is for all Kazakhstanis. Also, in honor of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students and teachers who showed high results were awarded certificates. On this day, students of the school - lyceum №20 from the stage read us patriotic poems, songs, and also danced folk dances. In the end, all the participants of the concert, as well as the audience, performed Estandir Khasangaliev’s song “Atameken”.