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City tournament “Znatoki”
25-12-2018 13:41
City tournament “Znatoki”

     December 19, 2018 the team of students of the school-Lyceum № 20 took part in the city intellectual tournament "Experts", which was organized by InEU. The main purpose of this event was to contribute to the formation and strengthening of the Patriotic spirit, moral and spiritual values of the younger generation, national consciousness and enrichment of knowledge in the field of history, geography, culture, national traditions and customs.

      The tournament consisted of five rounds, during which students competed not only in knowledge in various fields of science, but also performed practical tasks on logic, analyzed information, drew conclusions and made decisions. All this contributed to the improvement of team work skills, development of critical thinking and leadership skills.

      School team Lyceum №20 took 1st place, in second place is the team school №22, 3rd place went to school №9. All winners were awarded with charters.
We Express our gratitude to the organizers: teachers and students of InEU, and wish them success!