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“Abai’s reading citizen round”
11-03-2019 10:01
“Abai’s reading citizen round”

       March 5, 2019 in school № 35 of  Pavlodar,  thе reading the great poet,thinker, translator, founder of written literature - Abay Kunanbayev was conducted. The aim: encourage Abay and Shakarim’s works. The competition was attended by many pupils of the town schools in the following categories: "Olen sozdin patshasy, soz sarasy", "Konilim andy ugady", "Uly Arman", "Zhuirikten zhuiryk ozar zharyskanda". The student of the 10th grade of school-Lyceum № 20 Amanzholova Alina in «Uly arman», a student of grade 9 Zhumabayeva Ainur took parts, in the category "Konilim andy ugady" and took the II, III prize. Congratulations!