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Come to the morning exercise!
05-04-2019 10:01
Come to the morning exercise!

     On April 5, students from school - lyceum № 20 gathered at the stadium in the morning to start the day with a sports flash mob. Republican morning exercise is dedicated to the Day of Health and is held in all educational schools under the motto: "Health for all!"

      Having lined up in columns, the lyceum students simultaneously performed simple physical exercises.

       - I like sport very much. I love physical education lessons.

       Every morning in our school we do exercises, but it’s one thing to work with the class, and completely different with all the students in the school. I really liked the flash mob. After all, playing sports together is very useful and fun” said 8th  grade student Dolores Pshenbaeva and  shared with  her impressions.

     A massive morning warm-up was organized by the teachers of physical culture Aitzhanov AK, Kenchenbaev E.Zh. The idea of ​​holding a school-wide morning exercise in the fresh air appealed to the lyceum students and teachers: they decided that now we will carry out a warm-up more often. According to the participants of the festive sports mass warm-up, they received a powerful boost of energy and good mood for the whole day.