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Intellectual game "Polyglot»
14-06-2019 22:19
Intellectual game
                      Today in the summer profile camp "Baldauren" school-Lyceum №20 held a game "Polyglot". The purpose of this event: the formation of students ' skills and abilities to express their thoughts in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English) and use the knowledge in any situation. The competition was attended by members of the detachment "of  Tapkyrlar". The game consisted of several stages. At the first stage, students presented their teams in three languages. At each stage, when performing tasks, it was necessary to answer tricky questions. The most difficult was the final task, it required students to be able to reason in Russian, Kazakh, English about the need to introduce trilingualism in schools.  The competition was held at a high level and helped to increase the interest of students to learn the language. The children added vocabulary, improved skills of expressing thoughts through languages.