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The teacher of history and geography, Esmakayeva G. B, with students in grades 9-11, conducted a virtual tour of the works of the first researcher of Kazakh history, ethnography, literature Ch. Valikhanov.
21-10-2020 16:34
The teacher of history and geography, Esmakayeva G. B, with students in grades 9-11, conducted a virtual tour of the works of the first researcher of Kazakh history, ethnography, literature Ch. Valikhanov.

The teacher of history and geography, Esmakayeva G. B, with students in grades 9-11, conducted a virtual tour of the works of the first researcher of Kazakh history, ethnography, literature Ch. Valikhanov. Shokan himself explains the marking on the paper of the first drawing of the "Issyk-Kul trip diary": "May 17 ... We stopped at the Northern Gorge of Mount Toraigyr. In our country, as in the autumn-winter period, there was a cool wind, the evening was very cold During the night, the snow fell so much that the space between the Alatau and the Ili valley, like in winter, was covered in a snow-white color. Unlike the top of Mount Toryaygyr, this is a manifestation of the aforementioned slopes and mountain deposits. "