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От всей души Благодарим!
14-01-2021 11:35
От всей души Благодарим!

Hello! On behalf of the parents of the 3rd "V” class, I would like to note that in such a difficult time, our educational institution headed by the head of the school Tsukrova Irina Yuryevna worked and is working at a high level. A lot depends on the head of the educational institution. Because only the head can We can proudly say that Irina Yuryevna brilliantly copes with a difficult task and unites the best teachers in the school. I would also like to express my gratitude to our class teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Getmanskaya for her pedagogical talent, kindness and creative attitude to work. Knowledge gives at the highest level, will not disregard a single child. With his sensitive attitude, wise advice, he helps the children overcome the difficult path to knowledge! Congratulations to everyone with the Coming New Year, we wish you success and happiness in the New Year. parents of 3 "V” class