WINNERS (III place) of the school scientific and practical conference "Keleshekke bir kadam": Nedosekov Ignat, student of 3 "Z" grade, advisor Turegozhina A.K., Kushkumbaeva Dilnaz, student of 5 "A" grade, advisor Tashenova T.G ., Zhumazhan Arnur, student of 6 "A" grade, advisor Zhanakova S.B., Koyshybaikyzy Raya, student of 6 "B" grade, advisor Sarsenova A.A., Yadykina Valentina, student of 6 "E" grade, advisor Zholaeva A.A., Serikbaev Artem, student of 7"E" grade, advisor Mustafina B.B., Kylyshbay Ayazhan, student of 8"A" grade, Temirzhanova M.T., Ayasheva Aizhan , student of 10 "A" grade, advisor Musalinova S.R. CONGRATULATIONS!!! WISH YOU SUCCESS, GENIUS IDEAS, AND INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITIES!!!