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“Collection of open and closed assignments for geography”
22-04-2020 17:06
“Collection of open and closed assignments for geography”

The educational-methodical manual “Collection of open and closed assignments for geography” of the teacher of history and geography of secondary school No. 21 of the city of Pavlodar, master of science, trainer of the CPM Esmakaeva GB in the publishing house "BILIM.KZ" with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science (ISBN 978-601-7973-82-7; UDC 373, BBC 72.262.6) the first 500 circulations were distributed in the republic. “The author’s work of Esmakayeva GB consists of 162 tasks of open and closed type, compiled on the basis of Bloom's taxonomy qualitatively. Due to the great demand from teachers, this work was sent for the second replication, ”said D.O. Sarieva, editor-in-chief of the BILIM.KZ publishing house