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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140 012 Павлодар қ., Камзин көшесі, 346
+7(7182) 60-73-13 қабылдау бөлімі, +7(7182) 57-85-83 вахта, +7 (7182) 57‒70‒72 бухгалтерия
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"BIZ birgemiz"
26-04-2020 23:40

Within the framework of the Republican campaign "BIZ birgemiz", the teaching staff of the state educational institution "SOSH 21"Pavlodar collected food baskets for families of school students who found themselves in a difficult life situation. During this difficult time, our team decided to support those who need help the most.