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My Kazakhstan!
14-12-2017 03:58
My Kazakhstan!

In celebration of Independence Day 12 December 3 "B" class, school №27 was held class hour on the theme "My Kazakhstan!". The event was aimed at education of patriotism, love of country, pride in the historic past, present and bright future of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Homeroom began with reading poems about the Motherland, which the students themselves chose the topic of classroom hours. The guys in the second row made up of exciting crossword "Cities of Kazakhstan". The crossword, students not only called the city of Kazakhstan and told about their attractions. In the end of homeroom we watched the film "my Dear capital". This film was also created on the basis of photographs made by the students during a visit to EXPO 2017. A class hour was held at a high emotional rise. Each student made a personal contribution to the conduct of the class hour. Such events also contribute to team building, instilling moral qualities. KL.Director: J. C. Zhakianova