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График приема граждан:
Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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01-03-2018 15:14

As part of the Day of Gratitude celebration, on March 1, 2018, a single class hour was held in all classes "Altys Aytu Parazym". The purpose of conducting a class hour is to introduce the new holiday, the disclosure of the presidential policy of peace and harmony, to reveal the meaning of the concept of "a day of gratitude", to expand the general cultural and political outlook of students.On the class hour, the students were explained the notions of "gratitude", "people", "unity", told about the activity of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, which is the basis of Kazakhstan's identity, a civil institution that ensures public and political stability. 
At a class hour in the 6th grade was invited to a veteran of labor, a member of the Council of Veterans of Microdistrict No. 4 Antoshchenko NA. In her speech she told about her biography, her work path, accentuated the attention of students about the need for mercy and cordiality.

In the school library the exhibition "Day of gratitude" was issued.
   As part of the celebration of Thanksgiving Day, the lessee of the school, FE "Ozdoeva", organized a festive dinner for orphans and children left without parental care.

Students of the 3rd grade "a" prepared and handed out hearts in which the students expressed their gratitude to the teachers.

  Among the pupils of the primary school there was held a contest-photo exhibition "My Little Planet"
 The report on the class hour was filmed by the regional television and will be shown on the channel Ertis in the news section of the Örtis іnform on 01.03.2018.