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Адрес: 140006 c. Pavlodar, st. Pavlov 17
reception: 33-81-23, accounting: 33-81-46, methodical study 33-81-25
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Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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English week
27-09-2019 20:45
English week

      Students of school N27 actively participate in competitions within the week of English. Today there was an exhibition of works of pupils of 5-6 classes "Umnichka-bookmark". The children celebrated the most intelligent bookmarks. Students in grades 10-11 presented their presentations about famous people to the jury. Students of grade 9 organized a musical break "guess the melody", where children with great pleasure sang songs in English and received sweet prizes. Do not remain idle and students in grade 5, who conducted phonetic exercises in the lower grades. Our week is coming to an end, now it remains for the summing up and awarding.