Размер шрифта:
Телефон доверия
email: sosh18@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: Павлодар қ., Я. Геринг к, 79
8 7182 515908, 8 7182 516131
Back to the main page of the department of education
График приема граждан:
Бергузинова Г.Ж. - сәрсенбі 15.00 сағ. 17.00 сағ.
In a year
In a month
In a week
Мектептің бас беті

We invite everyone to our school site. Here you will find a lot of interesting and useful. We will take a tour of history of our school, look into the future and, of course, detail in the present. Students will find information about the work of the school during the summer holidays, graduates - the schedule of examinations, and first-graders will get acquainted with their future teachers.


Our address: Kazakhstan, Pavlodar ,  St Y. Gering 79

phone: (87182) - 51-61-31. 

Е-mail: shool18@mail.ru     



32-77-80-Pavlodar Education  Department

32-12-42-Department of education of Pavlodar region

74-25-28-Committee for the protection of children's rights MES RK

51-61-31-School№18. Pavlodar

«11616»- Republic helpline

«111»- Call-center


To receive children in the first form, the following documents are required:

1) application from parents or other legal representatives of the child;

2) a copy of the child's birth certificate;

3) health certificate (form 026/u-3);

4) photos size 3x4 cm-in the amount of 2 pieces.

Acceptance of the documents specified in this point from parents or other legal representatives of the children entering the first class of the organizations of education implementing General