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Topanova Gulnar Tuyakovna -

 Director of school-lyceum № 20

 ducation: higher, VSPI, year of graduate 1987, master of arts (Philology).

 Specialty: teacher of Russian language and literature.

 Category: high, teacher-inventer.  .

 The theme of self-education: ”The Development of personality-oriented competencies of high school students at the literature lessons”.

 From 1987 to 1993 teacher of Russian language and literature in school № 2 in Krasilov, Khmelnitsky region.

 From 1993 to 2004 teacher of Russian language and literature in school № 39 in Pavlodar city.

 Since 2004 teacher of Russian language and literature, head of the scientific society of students in the school-lyceum № 20 of Pavlodar.

 From 2007 to 2011 Deputy Director for educational work, head of the scientific society of students in the school-lyceum № 20 of Pavlodar.

 Since December 2011 - Director of school-lyceum № 20 of Pavlodar.

 School is our tomorrow. What  will be depends on each of us. School is an amazing country, where every day is not like the previous one, where every moment is a search for something new, interesting, where there is no time to be bored, where you have to hurry, hurry to do good, become interesting for the people around you, stay interesting always, give others your energy, knowledge, skills, hurry to learn new things, strive not to be late. Therefore, only the most persistent, the most patient, the most sincere, the most responsible, the kindest, the most amazing and the most talented people get along in this country. They call them teachers. If ceased to amaze, to endure, to wonder – surrender. No one needs you in this country. After all, this is a special country. It's school.     A teacher is a mediator between society and a growing person. He is a teacher and mentor.

This is his civil, human destiny. Its activities are focused on the formation of man. The head of the teaching staff is the Director. The modern principal, who is he? Teacher Lee, Manager Lee, official ... for a long time you can continue a number of status positions and, in fact, today it is difficult to understand who he is, because among the kaleidoscope of pictures that replace each other even within one working day you can feel yourself and inspired, and devastated, and accountable, and creative.  This brings a special flavor to the feeling of reality and makes the job extremely difficult, but also interesting.