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The 20th anniversary of the city of Astana


Plan of activities,

devoted to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan

State Institution "School № 24" for the 2017-2018 academic year


  1. "Astana is a symbol of unity and independence of Kazakhstan people" solemn line ZDVR, class leaders of grades 1-11
  2. Book exhibition "El juregi - Astana" School librarian Mazhgutova G.K.
  3. Quiz among the students "My favourite country!" Class leaders of grades 5-7
  4. Exhibition of mock-ups "I praise you, my Astana!"
  5. Concourse of drawings and wall newspaper "My capital"
  6. Flesh mob "With the 20th anniversary of Astana!" Choreographers
  7.  Preview of the film "Astana- pearl of  Kazakhstan"
  8. Concourse of children's drawing "I draw the capital"
  9.  The contest of compositions and author's poems "Astana is in my heart!" Teachers of the linguist
  10.  Book exhibition "Country Kazakhstan - poetry about the Motherland"
  11.  Class hours "My pride is my capital!" ZDVR, class leaders of grades 1-11
  12. Library lesson "History of the capital"
  13. Virtual excursion to the capital of  Kazakhstan Astana
  14. Competition of patriotic songs " I give this song  to you..." ZDVR, Musical Director
  15. Living room of  literature  "Astana – is my pride " Ministry of Teachers of the Kazakh language
  16. Tematical expositions "Astana – is the result of  Independence", "Astana - the crossroads of peace and harmony"
  17. Excursions, expositions in libraries and museums of the republic, timed to celebrate  the 20th anniversary of the capital
  18. Photo exhibition "Astana – main city"
  19.  Action "Wish to the country!"
  20.  Competition of drawings on the asphalt "Rainbow Astana"