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information about the director

Akylzhanova Sandugash Zeynnelagabidenovna

Date of birth: 05/30/1971
Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, teacher of mathematics, computer science and computer technology, 1.09.1988 / 18.06.1993

     Competent teacher, purposeful and creative person. The high level of analytical culture, knowledge of the conceptual foundations of innovative educational technologies allow it to skillfully organize the educational process. Conducts active methodical work on the topic of self-education "Differentiated education as a means of raising interest in the lessons of mathematics and computer science."

      Students are distinguished by independent thinking, a steady cognitive interest, and a desire to increase knowledge. The quality of academic performance in the subject is 47%. Students of the 5th grade are winners (B. Shakenov) and prize winners (E. Kaydarov) of the international competition "Kangaroo - Mathematics for All" (2013).

      She presented her experience at the “XIII Satpaev readings” in the report “Development of logical thinking in mathematics lessons”, at the international scientific-practical conference “Institutionalization of the content and organization of conditions of innovative educational environment of the higher pedagogical school” in the article “Organization of study of mathematics at school”, at the Republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan: realities and prospects" in the report "The use of interactive methods as a condition improving the quality of knowledge in the lessons of mathematics and computer science "(2013). Strives for self-development, constantly working to improve skills. She took part in the international seminars “Research in Activities” (in collaboration with representatives of Cambridge and Nazarbayev Universities), “Individualization and Differentiation”, held in the framework of the international conference “Promotion of cognitive reading in the youth” and the republican theoretical and methodological seminar “Scientific research activities as a factor in the development of a student’s personality and the growth of teacher’s pedagogical skills ”(2013, certificates).

     Constant creative search, self-improvement, interest in the results of work cause the respect of students, colleagues and parents.