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Code of Honor of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Low of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On social and medical-pedagogical correctional support for children with disabilities"

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Sanitary rules and regulations

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Low of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state control and supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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Low of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About science"

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Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Children's Villages of the Family Type and Youth Houses"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Education"

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Low of the Republic of Razakhstan "About Langauges"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On religious activities and religious associations"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On licensing"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About informatization”

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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10-00 часов 28 июля 2014 года

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10-00 часов 25 июля 2014 года

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10 часов 30 минут 21 июля 2014 года

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Конкурс по организации питания обучающихся в ГУ "Кенжекольская СОШ г.Павлодара"

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Конкурс по организации питания обучающихся в ГУ "Кенжекольская СОШ г.Павлодара"

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Конкурс по организации питания обучающихся в ГУ "Кенжекольская СОШ г.Павлодара"

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