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Out of school organizations
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«Павлодар қаласының № 26 жалпы орта білім беру мектебі» КММ
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email: sosh26@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: Павлодар қаласы, Семенченко көшесі, 70
601920, 602114, 601968
Back to the main page of the department of education
График приема граждан:
дүйсенбі 15.00 - 18.00, жұма 11.30 - 13.30
Тhe message of the president
Тhe message of the president
Талқылау жолдауы
State symbols
Мем. қызметтер
Правила оказания гос. услуг
Бос лауазымға конкурс
General information about the school
School development program
Мектеп жоспары және талдау
2025-2026 оқу жылына 1-сыныпқа қабылдау
School structure
Information about the leader
School administration
Primary school teachers
Teachers of mathematics, computer science, physics
Russian language and literature teachers
Teachers of the Kazakh language and literature
Teachers of biology, chemistry, geography
Teachers of History and Social Sciences
Foreign language teachers
Teachers of physical culture and basic military training
Music, fine arts, self-knowledge, technology teachers
School psychologists
Speech therapist
School self-certification
Information for students and parents
Оқушылардың сыртқы келбеті туралы ереже
Call schedule
Schedule of creative clubs
Schedule of subject clubs
Sports sections schedule
Vacation schedule
Temperature training at school in the winter
Safe traffic scheme for students
Parent Pedagogical Support Center
Оқу жұмыс жоспарлары
Distance learning
Call-center and responsible persons
Recommendations for organizing distance learning on the territory of the city of Pavlodar during the quarantine period
Advice from a psychologist
Final students’ certification
Final certification of graduates
The plan of activities for the preparation of students of 11 grade to the final certification
Schedule for special courses, consultations on preparation for final certification in 10-11 grades
UNT (unified national testing) online
Register of educational programs project
Getting ready to write an essay. Types of arguments.
Memo for 11 grade students who pass UNT
EAAA SE 2021
Білім алушылардың білім жетістіктеріне мониторинг жүргізу қағидалары
Plan of activities for the organization and conduct of EEEA
Орта білім беру ұйымдарында білім алушылардың білім жетістіктеріне мониторинг кешенді талдау
Work with talented students
The work of the board of trustees
Board of trustees
Қамқоршылық кеңесін құру туралы байлық
Minutes of the School Board of Trustees
Қамқоршылық кеңесінің банктік шоты туралы мәліметтер
Public services provided by the school
Rules of public services
Responsible person
About our President
Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev
Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Cabinet of the First President
The 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is dedicated to ...
Article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”
School meals
Welcome to the school cafeteria
Power Quality Monitoring
Documents of government procurement "School food"
Career guidance
Higher educational institutions of Pavlodar region
Technical and vocational education
Attention parents and graduates of the 9th grade!
Мектепті қаржыландыру
Public procurement plan
School funding
Жалақы қорының есебі
Fund for universal compulsory secondary education
Virtual School Museum
School history
School directors
School is proud of them
Photo gallery of issues
Historical videos
Implementation of youth policy/educational work
The system of educational work of the school
Voluntary school club «Адал Ұрпақ»
«Жас Ұлан» united children and youth organization
Social projects of teachers of self-knowledge
School library activities
Welcome to our library!
Automated system "Digital reports of educational libraries"
Librarian articles
Information about the local police inspector
The Psychologist’s Page
About the school psychologist ...
How to develop memory?
Favorable adaptation of students in 1 grades to the learning process
Tips for parents of first graders
About domestic violence
A psychologist writes...
For psychologists of Pavlodar city
Methodical assistance to teachers
Сertification of teachers
Qualification testing of teachers
Teacher Web Resources
Resources "Methodical assistance to teachers"
For You, Dear Parents!
Extract from the school's charter. Safety memo
Institute of the Ombudsman for Children (authorized in children’s rights)
Videos for parents
Детские электротравмы и их профилактика
Emergency checklist
Speech therapist's advice to parents of future first-graders
School troubles. Go to high school
10 tips for parents of teenagers
How to resolve conflicts
5 ways to spoil the relationship with your child
How to help your child get tested?
Mobile phone for the child: the pros and cons
Peaceful atom in every home
School overload: tips for schoolchildren and their parents
Pavlodar weather
Photo Gallery
We learn Kazakh
Spoken Kazakh is easy. Hello!
Spoken Kazakh is easy. What is your name?
Spoken Kazakh is easy. Where do you live?
Spoken Kazakh is easy. How old are you?
Spoken Kazakh is easy. What time is it?
Spoken Kazakh is easy. Interview when applying for a job.
Glossary for teacher
Мектептен тыс
In a year
In a month
In a week
Кәсіптік бағдар беру жұмысы
Summer 2020
Жаз 2019
Our reward1
Our dining room
Жаз 2018
Түлектердің қорытынды аттестациясы
"Мектепке жол" акциясы
Жұмыла өмiр сүру берiңiз!
Түлектер фотогалереясы
"Мектеп News" мектепшілік газеті
Сабақтан тыс жұмыс
Мекеме альбомы
"Айналайын" шағын - орталығы
Біздің кітапхана
Оқушылардың шығармашылық жұмыстары
Сыныптан тыс жұмыстар