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Ұлы Жеңіске - 74 жыл
Ұлы Жеңіске - 74 жыл
08-05-2019 12:16
Адамзат тарихындағы ең ауыр қантөгіс соғыс аяқталғанына 74 жыл өтіпті. Зарықтырып жеткен Жеңіс күнінің қадірі бәріміз үшін тым қымбат. Сұрапыл соғыс адамзаттың жүрегіне өшпес жара салды. Ауылда қалған кемпір-шал, бала-шаға зуылдаған оқ пен лапылдаған от-жалынның арасында жүрген бауырына, әкесіне, ағасына сеп болсын деп, бар күш қайратын жұмсады. Тылдағы әрбір күн соғысқа тең еді. Ардагер көрген зұлматты сен көрген жоқсың замандас, сол үшін оны құрметте!
We sincerely congratulate the staff of our school on May 7 - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!
We sincerely congratulate the staff of our school on May 7 - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!
06-05-2019 14:39
We wish you well-being in the prosperity of your country, prosperity, well-being, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind.
Competitions on taekwondo in Aktobe
Competitions on taekwondo in Aktobe
06-05-2019 12:11
Kozhanov Batyrkhan, a pupil of 1 "A" class of school number 37, will take part in the competition in taekwondo "OPEN INTERNATIONAL TAEKWON-DO GTF CHAMPIONSHIP", which will be held...
Жас Қыран және Жас Ұлан қатарына қабылдау
Жас Қыран және Жас Ұлан қатарына қабылдау
06-05-2019 09:07
Павлодар қаласының №37 жалпы орта білім беру мектебінде салтанатты түрде Жас Қыран қатарына 289 оқушы, Жас Ұлан қатарына 145 оқушы қабылданды. Мақсаты: - өскелең жас ұрпақтың бойында патри...
"Without unity there is no»
30-04-2019 09:16
"Birlik balmy trlc bolmas".For even more convergence of ethnic groups across the country held a mass Patriotic rally. Today, each national cultural center, concentrated under a single Shanyr...
"High school volleyball League"
29-04-2019 15:49
Among boys of 5-6 classes, "School volleyball League" our school is awarded the diploma of the II degree in city tournament. Congratulations!
Took 2nd place in football!!!
Took 2nd place in football!!!
25-04-2019 08:31
    In school №37 of the city of Pavlodar in football took second place. Congratulations!!!
GU city reading
GU city reading
24-04-2019 08:26
       The state program of functioning and development of Languages for 2011-2020, in the small hall of the city Palace of culture named after estay, in accordance with the readin...
Insurance fund
Insurance fund
23-04-2019 11:57
The representative of the branch "social health insurance Fund" of Pavlodar region Sattarova Zhadyr Nabievna spoke in detail about the system of work of the health insurance Fund.  ...
Winners of the city intellectual contest
Winners of the city intellectual contest "Tectonica"
22-04-2019 14:22
On 20 April of the current year in the school №9 was held in Pavlodar city intellectual contest "Tectonica" among pupils of 2-4 classes. The competition was attended by students of primary s...
Open lesson
Open lesson "Kazakh Batyr izdari"
19-04-2019 13:06
Today in 7"D" class was an open lesson. The goal is to inspire students with Patriotic feelings. The methods used during the lesson allowed to reveal the topic of the lesson. Group, pair wor...
Ashihara karate championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ashihara karate championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan
18-04-2019 08:29
2019 in Karaganda passed the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Ashihara karate AIKO in which the pupil of school No. 37 became Champions and prize-winners  
Festival " Rauan "
17-04-2019 07:54
      On April 17, 2019 on the basis of school № 37 of Pavlodar the II round of XV anniversary city festival of children's creativity "Rauan"took place.The goal...
The work of the circle
The work of the circle "modern Kazakh writing"
16-04-2019 08:46
       In the framework of the program "Rouhani Jair "in secondary school №37 of the city of Pavlodar in 5 classes with the purpose of studying of the Kazakh al...
The winners of the competitions in dancing and karate
The winners of the competitions in dancing and karate
15-04-2019 10:00
Pupils of 2 "b" class Sailaway Karim and Akmatbekova Sabina were awarded with diplomas and medals for winning the Grand Prix dance "Tanga Shugyla", which was held in the Nur-Sultan...
City Open Judo Tournament
City Open Judo Tournament
12-04-2019 09:57
        Amangeldy Ramazan, a student of 6 "B" grade, was awarded a diploma of the Judo Federation of the city of Nur-Sultan for ІII place in the city...
coaching "critical thinking"
11-04-2019 09:24
Purpose: to promote the fact that the teacher can implement it in practice, convincing that he has his own ability to critical thinking. Tasks: involvement of teachers in group work, critical think...
Open lesson
Open lesson "creating a menu" 5 A class
10-04-2019 10:12
The purpose of the lesson: to expand the vocabulary of students, to explain the causes of the Eastern cases; to summarize, to summarize knowledge about meals and eating rules. The key to health is pro...
Guest of the program
Guest of the program "Irtysh dawns"
09-04-2019 08:32
"Irtysh dawns" guest of the TV show No. 37 Kengebaeva Nikolaevna, the teacher of art work and secondary school Saltanat of his generation, "segs yrly, bir syrly" and to promote the...