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Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
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Physics laboratory
Physics laboratory
06-09-2018 17:58
At school № 37 of the city of Pavlodar opening of the contemporary study of physics. As one of the main directions of the strategy" Kazakhstan-2030 " it was emphasized the need to educate a...
" I am a patriot of my country"
04-09-2018 00:00
September 1 in secondary school № 37 Pavlodar was a class hour on the topic:" I am a patriot of my country", the purpose of which is the formation of citizenship, Kazakhstan patriotism, resp...
1 September
1 September "knowledge Day" 2018
01-09-2018 00:00
Dear teachers, parents and students! Today, the first bell of the new school year rang in all schools, we congratulate all parents of teachers and students on the holiday of knowledge day and one of t...
My awards
My awards
24-08-2018 09:22
Everyone works for their country of origin. My work has been dedicated to my country. Its value was not lost. The evidence of this are the letters of thanks from the respected organization of the coun...
Opening of the
Opening of the "Rukhani Jangyru" office
22-08-2018 16:08
On August 22, 2018, the opening of the "Rukhani Jangyru" office took place at our school. Responsible secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Ors...
Results UNT-2018
Results UNT-2018
10-08-2018 15:43
In the 2017-2018 academic year, 40 school leavers graduated from the secondary school № 37 in Pavlodar. Among them 39 students participated in the unified national testing, 31 became grant holders, 4...
«Сарыарқа жұлдыздары - 2018»
«Сарыарқа жұлдыздары - 2018»
30-05-2018 15:53
May 30, 2018 in the restaurant "AK Otau" was held a holiday "Saryarka zhuldyzdary-2018" - honoring the winners of the regional and national school competitions 2017 - 2018 academic...
Today the last bell rang for the third time in the history of our school
Today the last bell rang for the third time in the history of our school
25-05-2018 16:31
The solemn ceremony began with the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and continued with a welcome speech by the director of the school Zhusupova LB. Then the school group Vocal performed. Graduates...
Graduation in the preparatory group
Graduation in the preparatory group
25-05-2018 11:18
May 23, 2018 in school № 37 held a festive graduation preparatory group at the school. 47 children in two groups were preparing for school during the school year. In their poems, they thanked the teac...
"KazRobotics" qualifier
24-05-2018 08:52
For the high professionalism and active participation in the regional festival of robotics held at the Pavlodar College of Transport and Communications from May 17-18, 201, Z.T. Sametova received a le...
Certificate of honor of the city teachers ' Union
Certificate of honor of the city teachers ' Union
23-05-2018 11:17
   According to the results of the contest among young professionals with five years experience mathematics teacher of school №37 Shaimurat Jananur, showing the best results in remote subjec...
Goodbye, elementary school!
Goodbye, elementary school!
19-05-2018 11:57
Today in the primary school of our school solemnly and organized events were held at the end of the school year, which was attended by students of the 4th grade, teachers, administration and parents....
"Educated nation – quality of education and family values"
18-05-2018 10:35
On may 15, 2018, the national parents meeting dedicated to the International day of the family on the theme "Educated nation – quality of education and family values" was held in secon...
Preparation of sandwiches
Preparation of sandwiches
16-05-2018 12:07
Today at a lesson of the girl of 5 " d " class prepared and showed the sandwiches. Sandwich (from him. Butterbrot-bread with butter) - snack, which is a slice of bread or bread, which put a...
Competition "Returned letter"
14-05-2018 07:50
      The competition "Returned Letter" dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory Day was held in School No. 37. Schoolchildren on the stage were able to show...
III place in volleyball
III place in volleyball
10-05-2018 12:13
May 2, 2018 in Astana hosted an international volleyball tournament among young men born in 2005-2006. A pupil of the 5 "G" class of the school № 37, Shotov Dilmar took part in the III place...
The Victory DAY!
The Victory DAY!
08-05-2018 14:15
     We will always remember young defenders of independence and freedom of our country! We bow our heads before the soldiers, veterans who brought victory closer in the bloody war...
«Өркенің өссін!»
«Өркенің өссін!»
03-05-2018 11:30
On the basis of school №24 in Pavlodar city 25.04.2018 year was the final contest of ««Өркенің өссін!» among the pupils of the city schools with the state language of instruction. St...
"Best Scientific Project"
03-05-2018 09:47
In the competition "Best Scientific Project", held by the Republican Center for Intellectual Development "Onege" from April 5 to April 20, 201 students of primary school №37 took p...
The holiday Nauryz and the day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan was held in Pavlodar
The holiday Nauryz and the day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan was held in Pavlodar
03-05-2018 08:49
30.04.2018-01.05.2018 a holiday to celebrate Nauryz and the day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan was held on the Central Embankment of Pavlodar. School principal, Deputy Directors for educational...