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Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
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Parent meeting - coaching on the topic :
Parent meeting - coaching on the topic : "School of the 21st century"
07-12-2017 04:30
Among parents of pupils of the 9th grade parent meeting was held coaching on the topic of “School of the 21st century” .Non - traditional form of holding the meeting aroused interest among...
"Repetition on the topic of the numerals”
06-12-2017 08:39
On December 4, 2017, the attestation day was held according to the plan of methodical work of the school. Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature S.B. Umrahimovym conducted an open lesson on the...
"Formation of anticorruption culture"
05-12-2017 08:46
The teachers of History Kasymzhanova A.E. and Bazen B. K. and students in 9-11 grades of our school gave a lecture on the topic "Formation of anticorruption culture".
Students 8-th class visited the museum named after D.Bagayev
Students 8-th class visited the museum named after D.Bagayev
04-12-2017 10:02
D Bagaeva. The students of our school visited the history Museum of our city. D Bagaeva. The purpose of this excursion - the formation of students ' civil-Patriotic qualities, broadening the horiz...
The lesson
The lesson "fine Wool" a variety of master built
02-12-2017 05:30
Applied arts - people's lives, life with the coming of art. When using the Kazakh needleworking one of the main raw material-wool. Felt and new technologies can be prepared in other ways. He Inman...
«Our first President»
«Our first President»
30-11-2017 08:56
Our country leader is a real person, tempered in steel. In our school, held class hours devoted to the Day of the First President.The purpose of classroom hours: to familiarize students with the worki...
"Corruption-epidemic, the task of eliminating"
29-11-2017 09:06
29.11.2017 in the office of the First President in school 9 December international day of fight against corruption "Corruption-epidemic, the task of eliminating" among pupils of 11 classes o...
"In the world of interesting geography"
29-11-2017 07:54
On November 29, under the auspices of the geography teacher Tansibaev, Meningdiz Alshinbaevna with the students of the 6th grade "D" conducted an extracurricular lesson "In the world of...
"My rights"
28-11-2017 05:40
Protect their rights and freedoms, everyone should know the laws. Man must not violate the rights of others to their life, health, honor and dignity sau hands. Today for this purpose, the "My rig...
The contest of readers
The contest of readers "My President"
28-11-2017 05:36
On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the First President among students of the 5th grade there was a contest of reciters "My President". The children performed five-minute excerpts fr...
Products of masters of applied art
Products of masters of applied art
27-11-2017 10:33
November 27, "methods of burning Wood and the background on the pages of" work in the office 6 class on open lesson. The aim of the open lesson of pupils of the methods of burning wood and p...
"Let there always be sunshine" painting the figure
27-11-2017 09:48
School without Violence" in the framework of the decade on continue. According to the plan, at our school events. Among students in grades 2-5, "let there always be sunshine" competitio...
There was a sporting event
There was a sporting event
25-11-2017 07:44
"In sport - sports bet! In the Domain - Love and Family "campaign was held in 2017. For active participation in the sporting event, 4 groups of parents of the 2 nd class of 37 secondary scho...
There was a tournament of Asyk shooting
There was a tournament of Asyk shooting
25-11-2017 07:42
Within the limits of the program "Spiritual renewal", on December, 1st there was a tournament among pupils of schools of the city of Asyk at the Day of the First President of the Republic of...
"Violence against it!"
25-11-2017 06:05
№ 37 school secondary education - Offenses, violence prevention, organized in the framework of the decade "Violence against it!" on the topic. The purpose of the training: Information about...
Puppet Theater
Puppet Theater "Wonderland" is a legend for the pupils of 1-4 grades "The Legend of Dombyra"
24-11-2017 10:47
The puppet theater staff came to visit us today. The puppet show "The World of Wonders" presented the scenes "Legend about Dombyra" among pupils of 1-4 classes. Children danced wit...
A ten-day training
A ten-day training "Childhood without violence"
24-11-2017 10:21
The ten-day training began with the assembly. Teachers and students were acquainted with the ten-day training on a school assembly. The aims of the training were to inform the public about the problem...
II place
II place
24-11-2017 09:31
From November 20 to November 23 student of the 5th grade Sarsenbek Baibolat took part in the International boxing contest in Novosibirsk (Russia) and took 2nd place
The film
The film "Orientation to the Future" was shown
24-11-2017 09:16
The framework of the " Spiritual revival" program of the Leader of the Nation on 24.11.2017 the film "Future Orientation" was shown by school collective and pupils of grades 5-11 i...
Student 37 school took 3rd place in togyz kumalaк
Student 37 school took 3rd place in togyz kumalaк
24-11-2017 06:04
In the house of chess took place 47 school sport competition in the period from 20.11 at 24.11.17 years among pupils of city schools togyz kumalak. Where is our girl of the school № 37 of Janigulova K...