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"Leather and Sport"
13-06-2017 03:17

     № 37 secondary school "Mangilik El – the future" summer camp "Balbulak" report of the group the "smile day" in the City Theatre aymautov "Leather and Sport" the performance went.
    The play is interesting, and funny. The children showed their culture. Directly in line, walking right learned.
We all know that the role of sport in human life. People involved in sports, health, patient. Our ancestors said: “in healthy body – healthy spirit” is not in vain. Playing sport is dependent on human abilities. This was said by Ibn Sina, the great philosopher in his works. It is also depending on the value of sport, light, heavy, long, short, highlighted on a few species. 33 exercise by sport for health and development of life, at least told what to do. The development of children's health, coming to stay in summer camp, to strengthen perceptions on the benefits of sport. Aymautov in Kazakh on the theme: "Leather and Sport" interesting and went to look at the view. The play was very interesting. The content and introduce children to the sport, how far educational value. As well as the place of production to protect and their country, patriotism, cause it was evident that for. I think the kids got a lot of useful information about interesting days.

The head of the group N.T. Mazanova