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Аmong children and adolescents on crime prevention
16-02-2018 17:06
Аmong children and adolescents on crime prevention

     Today one of the major challenges facing society - among children and adolescents on crime prevention, to prevent the growth of juvenile delinquency.
      The question becomes one of the urgent issues today, as the number of teenagers caught in a difficult situation does not become smaller. In this category, often worse, marital status, recent weekend, themselves head.
       In order to prevent crime in our school since the beginning of the school year allow to speak stopped at the work being done. At the beginning of the school year on crime prevention held in order to plan events. In accordance with the action plan approved was conducted. From a conversation with a representative of the law, in order to prevent delinquency among adolescents. Our school held a meeting with pupils of 8-11 classes on this subject, explained the consequences, and responsibility in students.