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Proud of my school
24-04-2018 14:23
Proud of my school

       Secondary school № 37 of Pavlodar is a reflection of innovation, aesthetics and beauty. Smart Pavlodar project was successfully launched in our school. This project allowed the class teacher, while in the classroom, to place an order in the dining room; parents have the opportunity to see the menu of the school canteen and make an order on their own. The time of entry and exit of each child from school is systematically monitored.
      The school colorfully equipped Cabinet of the First President, chess room, dining room and library. For rest and development of teacher's creativity there is a modern teacher's room "teacher office". And in the office of robotics hands of students created robots of LEGO.
      We are witnessing daily new achievements of the school. This academic year produced by the children of 4th grade. We are convinced that children who have been educated in this school will participate in new successful projects and achievements.


Primary school teacher: Nurtazina S. A.,A. M. Adambaeva.