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City stage of the Republican contest " ZERDE"
26-10-2018 17:34
City stage of the Republican contest

Today, our school has passed the city stage of the Republican contest of research works and creative projects among students of grades 1-7 "Zerde".

Diploma of the III degree (Russian language and literature) was awarded to a student of the 3rd class Okasova Aiganym. Congratulations!

Diploma of the III degree (ecology, valeology) was awarded to the 4th grade student Kozhabaev Almaz. Congratulations!

Diploma of III degree (history,local history, ethno-cultural studies) was awarded to a student of 5 class Kunanbaev Ernar. Congratulations!

Diploma III degree (medicine, psychology) was awarded the students of class 6 Sadardinov Aidana and Amangeldy Gulnaz. Congratulations!