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The XVIII regional conference on "Implementation of the project of schools that promote health promotion" was held.
20-11-2019 20:05
The XVIII regional conference on

     Today, our school hosted the XVII regional conference on the theme " Implementation of the project of schools that promote health."During the conference, reports were made by the head of the state institution "Pavlodar regional center for healthy lifestyle" and Dr. baymakhanov, specialists of this center and a representative of the regional Department of health A. Mukushova.The purpose, directions of work on promotion of a healthy lifestyle at school, questions were raised about the problems.Also, the forms of diseases that are now widespread among students were announced.At the second stage of the conference, the coordinator of HLS school Sekenova B. B and biology teacher Sultangazina G. B held a class hour on "AIDS-epidemic of the century". Primary school teachers A. Erbol and V. Kantoreeva showed a master class, B. M. Alimzhanov and S. K. Zhumakhanova showed excerpts from the lessons of physical culture.Also, psychologists of the school Idrisova K. and Idrisova N. B. conducted a training with the participants of the conference on "communication, mood Management".