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QUIZ on the theme:"State symbols of Republic of Kazakhstan"
05-06-2019 19:55
QUIZ on the theme:

        The school – Lyceum № 20 held a quiz on "State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The purpose of this event: to consolidate the knowledge of children about Kazakhstan, to form the concept of "citizen", to develop an idea of respect for the Motherland and state symbols, to cultivate a sense of love and pride for their multinational Homeland - the Republic of Kazakhstan.

       The quiz consisted of several rounds. The first round of "Brainstorm" included issues related to the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The children showed knowledge and understanding  the meaning of the word "anthem", told about the flag, coat of arms, indicated the authors of symbols. The second round of "Vspominai-ka" was dedicated to the flag of Kazakhstan. Lyceum students successfully coped with the task: called the value of the color of the flag, told that symbolizes the beam and the sun, soaring eagle ornament on the canvas.

        The third round of "Otvechai-ka" was held in the form of a game. Students of the pointed parts emblem  on piece of paper , the star, uyk, tundyk, culdrose, tulparov. At the end of the quiz, the winners were awarded certificates. Such events bring up the children's respect for the state symbols of Kazakhstan , patriotism and love for the Motherland.