140 000 Pavlodar, 25 Krivenko St.
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Сайт отдела образования города Павлодара

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education"

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Qualitative composition of teachers

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Youth Policy"

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Training plan English language for the 2018-2019 academic year

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Ethical code of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Children's Villages of the Family Type and Youth Houses"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On social and medical-pedagogical correctional support for children with disabilities"

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List of pupils of 11 classes


Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On religious activities and religious associations"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Control and Supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About permissions and notifications"

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List of holders of state educational grants UNT 2019

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ҰБТ бойынша нәтиже көрсеткіштері

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ОЖСБ 13.11.2018 және 20.10.2018 тестілеу нәтижелері


Консультация кестесі


2018-2019 оқу жылының 4,9,11-сынып оқушыларын ОЖСБ-ға дайындау және ұйымдастырудың жұмыс жоспары

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ОЖСБ ұйымдастыру және өткізу ережесі

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ОЖСБ бойынша нормативтік құжаттар


«Алтын сын» және «Жас Ғалым» оқушылардың тізімі

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