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email: sosh37@goo.edu.kz
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662408, 662407
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Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
In a year
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"What? Where? When?"an intellectual game was held
04-02-2020 12:43
"What? Where? When?"an intellectual game was held. Goal: to instill in students the desire, interest, ability to feel responsible and work independently. Increasing comprehensive thinking, s...
In the 3rd
In the 3rd "B" class there was an open lesson on the topic "complex equation".
03-02-2020 12:03
In the 3rd "B" class there was an open lesson on the topic "complex equation". Goal: solving a complex equation. Find the root of the equation.In this lesson, students were able to...
pedagogical Council
pedagogical Council
01-02-2020 12:10
              The theme of the pedagogical Council: the educational process of the school, which combines Kazakh and foreign educational achievements.   &nb...
2 "B" class held an open lesson on learning the world.
31-01-2020 11:22
2 "B" class held an open lesson on learning the world.   Topic: proper nutrition.   The purpose of the lesson: to give an idea about proper nutrition, about healthy nutriti...
Мектепішілік Абай оқулары өтті
Мектепішілік Абай оқулары өтті
30-01-2020 17:55
              Қазақ халқының ұлы ақыны, кемеңгер ұстазы, рухани айбары, туған елінің мың жылдық мұңын шерткен Абай мұрасы - мәңгілік мұра.       &nb...
The lost City of Atlantis
The lost City of Atlantis
30-01-2020 16:25
On 30th January an open lesson of English language was dedicated to the following theme “The lost City of Atlantis”. Learners from 5 - A participated and increased their knowledge about it...
Оnline lesson
Оnline lesson
28-01-2020 08:45
          "New format of final certification of students in grades 9 of schools of General secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on the topic lesson onl...
Magic physics competition
Magic physics competition
24-01-2020 17:07
       A contest "Magic physics"was held among the 7a and 7B classes. The competition consisted of 4 stages. During the competition, students were able to demonstrate qui...
Open lesson in mathematics and physics.
Open lesson in mathematics and physics.
24-01-2020 16:48
             Analysis of open lessons held in the Association of mathematics and physics.            Purpose: assessment of profess...
School seminar
School seminar
24-01-2020 16:41
      The importance of developing education within the framework of a teacher's research activity tends to spread best practices among colleagues.      Research of...
«Абайды оқы, ерінбе»
«Абайды оқы, ерінбе»
23-01-2020 15:57
       Мемлекет басшысының «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» атты мақаласындағы ұлттық  бірегейлікті сақтау идеясын жүзеге асыру шеңберінде және ұлы Абайдың 175 ж...
Students in grade 10
Students in grade 10 "B "with elementary grades played the"entertaining math" contest.
23-01-2020 12:36
Students in grade 10 " B "with elementary grades played the"entertaining math" contest. Primary school students have completed puzzles, logic puzzles and interesting tasks.The prim...
Interesting quiz
Interesting quiz
22-01-2020 15:16
    A contest "if you want to be healthy, get ahead"was held among students in grades 5-7. A total of 4 groups participated in the competition.Sayisinin three stages. Stage I...
Сұлтанбетсұлтан Баһадүрдің 310 жылдық мерейтойына арналады
Сұлтанбетсұлтан Баһадүрдің 310 жылдық мерейтойына арналады
22-01-2020 10:08
2020 жылдың 22 қаңтарында «Рухани жанғыру» бағдарламасы аясында Павлодар қаласындағы № 37 мектебіндеXVIII ғасырдың көрнекті саяси қайраткері Сұлтанбет сұлтан Баһадүрдің 310 жылдығына арнал...
Mubarak Zhamanbalinov's poetry readings were held
Mubarak Zhamanbalinov's poetry readings were held
21-01-2020 08:06
        On January 21, Mubarak Zhamanbalinov's poetry readings were held at school # 37. Students from grades 1-4 took part in the competition.
Zhumataeva Saule kazbekovna held an open lesson with students of the 11th
Zhumataeva Saule kazbekovna held an open lesson with students of the 11th " B "class on geometry on the topic:" the Sphere is an indirect plane, its properties".
21-01-2020 07:59
        Zhumataeva Saule kazbekovna held an open lesson with students of the 11th " B "class on geometry on the topic:" the Sphere is an indirect plane, its properti...
The Grand opening of the MYTH week was held.
The Grand opening of the MYTH week was held.
20-01-2020 08:45
2020  жылғы 20 қаңтардан  30 қаңтар  аралығында Математика, информатика және физика пәндері бойынша онкүнділік ЖОСПАРЫ Мақсаты:        Жаңа техноло...
Class hour
Class hour "hour of honesty".
17-01-2020 11:14
      The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan holds a Republican action organized by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for combating corruption and th...
City stage of the Republican contest
City stage of the Republican contest " Akberen"
10-01-2020 10:51
       January 9, 2020 in Pavlodar the city stage of the republican competition "Akberen" was held. 5 students from secondary school # 37 took part in the "Poets Ait...
At the initiative of the head of state, free meals are provided to students in grades 1-4
At the initiative of the head of state, free meals are provided to students in grades 1-4
09-01-2020 13:12
        The head of state gave a number of instructions on the development of education in the program "Plan of the Nation - "100 concrete steps". In this regar...