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Сity " Magzhan okulary"
23-10-2018 12:48
22 Oct 2018 hosted the city "Mazhan okulary" SOSH № 34 in the category "Colinman Colin syrlasu" were the pupil 10 B of Zeinulla Trar, the category "Objective - Menin Solanum,...
Educational lesson
Educational lesson " what is spiritual wealth?"
22-10-2018 14:35
In the school library for students 5 "a" class was held educational lesson " what is spiritual wealth?". The lesson was held at a high level. With the aim of educating and developm...
20-10-2018 12:59
THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE TO THE LATIN ALPHABET In our school there are explanatory classes on the translation of the Kazakh alphabet into Latin. Middle classes take part. In today's lesson, students...
Bibliographic lesson on
Bibliographic lesson on " the Greatest treasure-a good library»
19-10-2018 13:42
For 1 class held a bibliographic lesson on " the Greatest treasure-a good library." The lesson was devoted to familiarity with the school library and how you can choose fiction and the forma...
"The structure of the tooth, function and hygiene" on the topic: an open lesson.
18-10-2018 14:28
From October 15 to October 20 in school №37 held methodical week on the organization of natural-methodical Association.18.10.18 biology teacher Bektemirova G. Ul. B and Kalieva In 8 "A" and...
Provided a round table discussion on the topic of
Provided a round table discussion on the topic of "Anesthesiologic-mathematical Cycle in English language in the field of teaching"
17-10-2018 15:52
On October 17, 2018, a round table was held at school No. 37 in Pavlodar on the theme “Ensuring the quality of teaching subjects in the natural-mathematical cycle in the English language in regi...
Young geographer
Young geographer
17-10-2018 14:01
         17 Oct geography teacher Tankibaeva, Medicis Alsynbaeva held extracurricular activities, "young geographer" with participation of pupils of t...
"Wonders of creation»
16-10-2018 16:47
Today, our school opened the Week of biology, chemistry, geography and self-knowledge, which takes place from 15 to 19 October. It was attended by students in grades 5-7 of our school. At the opening...
The learners of 7 d grade were participating in a discussion devoted to the following topic: “The industrial revolution
The learners of 7 d grade were participating in a discussion devoted to the following topic: “The industrial revolution
16-10-2018 16:19
The learners of 7 d grade were participating in a discussion devoted to the following topic: “The industrial revolution”. They were asked to talk in English as well as express their ideas...
Republican conference for parents of 2-4 grades
Republican conference for parents of 2-4 grades
15-10-2018 13:18
On October 13 this year, at the request of the Committee for the protection of children's rights, a Republican conference for parents of grades 2-4 was held on the theme: "Kazakhstan's pa...
Creative lesson in the technique of weaving mats
Creative lesson in the technique of weaving mats
13-10-2018 17:46
Purpose: students conduct research work on the study of compositions of felt products, form skills for the practical implementation of knowledge gained from lessons during creative work. Knows about t...
Regional readings of M. Makatayev
Regional readings of M. Makatayev
12-10-2018 17:46
11.10.2018 year on the basis of the school Lyceum №8 for gifted children were XIII Makataev reading. The purpose of the competition: promotion of creativity Makataev, development and support of gifted...
There was a creative meeting of teachers of physics leading in English.
There was a creative meeting of teachers of physics leading in English.
11-10-2018 11:22
09.10.2018 at school № 37 held a creative meeting of teachers of physics leading in English. In our school, two teachers teach physics in English. To learn three languages in our time is a valuable th...
Spiritual revival of the Rising generation of true way
Spiritual revival of the Rising generation of true way
10-10-2018 07:58
On October, 10 round table with 7 «В»grade students of the "Spiritual revival of the Rising generation of true way" was conducted. Aim: to instill spiritually-patriotic consciou...
Parent meeting
Parent meeting
09-10-2018 07:46
Recently, among parents of 5 "B" class was homeroom parent meeting.The theme was relevant. "Adaptation of primary care children". Parents actively participated in the conversation....
Intellectual competition
Intellectual competition " My small Motherland»
08-10-2018 18:46
October 4, 2018g. In our city for the first time passed the Republican intellectual competition regional stage "my small homeland". Represented our school student 9 "b" class Mashr...
City's clean-up
City's clean-up
06-10-2018 18:33
The teaching staff, learners and parents of the school №37 actively participated in a city's voluntary clean-up. Whilst the voluntary Saturday work tree seedlings were planted as well as the schoo...
Happy teacher's day!
Happy teacher's day!
05-10-2018 18:34
Dear teachers!On the eve of the wonderful holiday-teacher's Day, I heartily congratulate our beloved teachers on this significant event. We crossed the threshold of the school, where we got deep k...
The presentation of the book
The presentation of the book "Teacher", dedicated to kanapianova
04-10-2018 13:35
October 4, at 11.00 within the program "Rouhani Jair" in the regional library named. M. Toraigyrov In the framework of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Independence of Republic Kaz...
Teacher is the heart of school
Teacher is the heart of school
03-10-2018 08:58
I started working at school #37 like a English teacher. I'm very happy to work a new school. All of the teachers give us advices and help in the different situation.