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Psychologist's page


Балалар мен жасөспірімдердің психикалық денсаулығы

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Адаптация пятиклассников в школе

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Возрастные особенности ребенка 6-7 лет

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Психологиядан СОШ № 21 2019-2020 оқу жылына арналған жұмыс жоспары

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Plan of the psychological service for the school № 21 for the 2017-2018 academic year

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Mediation Information

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Recommendations for parents

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Recommendations on how to stop your aggression

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Recommendations for parents on psychological preparation for UNT

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Recommendations for parents on the prevention of suicide in adolescents

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Prevention of computer dependence of the younger student

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Prevention of suicide in a teenage environment

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Working with the self-esteem of a child

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Teacher's recommendation for working with underachieving children

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